Sunday, October 27, 2013

Digital Media: Movie Poster using BIG HUGE LABS

I have got to say, I LOVED doing this project. I am a huge history and technology nerd so this project really interested me. Creating this poster was really fun for me! The first thing I did was go to discovery education to find my image.  I thought about some great historical events that would make a great movie. Immediately the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre came to mind. I did a search for neat images from those events and I found this image of Paul Revere's interpretation of the Boston Massacre. I came up with the taglines pretty easily. I took two important vocabulary words  from the American Revolution and used them for the taglines.  The movie title was a little harder.  I didn't want to use Boston Massacre. I though that would be too easy and not creative.  I thought about it and I knew the Boston Massacre was also known as the Incident on King Street. Boom! Great title :) I then made sure to include some of the major players in the production credits. I made sure to change the font for the title and include the date of the incident as the release date.

This is a project I am going to do with my class.  I thought it was extremely fun to do and my students would love it too!  I would probably give my students an historical event or an important person.  They would be required to create a movie poster and include: The date of the event, an image relating to the event, an important vocabulary word in the title or taglines, and the names of important people in the production credits.

I could even use this image in my instruction.  I would ask the students to identify the event in the poster.  I would them have them explain how they knew it was the event.  They would identify each part of the poster and how that person was important to the event.

I have also got to say... I love the website that allowed me to create this! It is called  You can use it to create movie posters, magazine covers and motivational posters.  They can all be used for student projects and for instruction.  I can't wait to use this website in my class.  

Image Citiation
IRC,  (2005). The Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. [Image]. Available from

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What is Text?

According to, text is "the actual wording of anything written or printed." Text has evolved 10 fold in the past 20 years.  It wasn't to long ago when college applications or even essays and term papers had to be written or typed on a typewriter.  It was very difficult to change text. If you made a mistake, you would have to crumple the page and toss it in the trash.  Now, text has taken a new meaning. It can be changed and manipulated. As different types of media has been opened to us, text has changed its definition. It can been seen in more places than just letters, diaries, books and newspapers. The digital form of text can been seen everywhere. The digital form of text not only allows the communication of information, but it also now can be used for collaboration and can now be edited and changed.  In writing this post I have made several mistakes. Instead of having to take a piece of paper out of my typewriter, all I have to do is hit the backspace key.  Text is important because it helps with communication and the spreading of knowledge.  As a history teacher, I teach the importance of the printing press and how it impacted the Renaissance, exploration and the spreading of knowledge.  I believe that the evolution of text into a digital media can have the same impact on history.  Learning is now easier.  Creating new ideas is easier. The access to knowledge is now limitless.