Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Information Overload

I use at least 20 different sites in my classroom and I have the most commonly used ones on my bookmark bar in my browser.  I use a handful other sporadically. I am able to memorize my passwords for these, I use only a few slightly different passwords, and if I get it wrong, I just try another.

Add those to my personal account log-ins, it can easily reach 50.  Between my bank account, loans, credit cards and social networking sites, it is extremely hard to keep track.  For some of my rarely used sites, I do have a password protected word document where I keep these. (yup I another password to remember... a password to protect passwords..) I know people say not to do this, but there are so many there is no way for me to remember.  I don't  want to have to reset my password every time I need to check the balance of my retirement account or try 23412341234 million different passwords only to have my account locked. (its happened before, I had to call my bank to unlock it.  They thought someone was trying to get into my account). For my social networking sites, I usually have the same password for all.   I have my personal sites bookmarked in my browser. 

I have a hard time managing all these sites, and it gets more difficult when I try to add more.  There is so much out there today, it can definitely be overwhelming to try to manage all of these sites.  People recommend sites to me and sometimes I just don't have the time to try to use them all. When I return to these sites, I usually do forget my user name and password. There is just so much out there, it is very hard to learn and master every site.  I have to be picky to the sites I choose to join.  I wish I didn't but I would be even more overwhelmed. 

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