Wednesday, July 10, 2013

PBL Project Management Challenges- u03d1


Based on your experiences in the classroom, what project management challenges might you anticipate as you integrate PBL?


Class Time: The one challenge that I might have in managing a PBL project is the amount of class time that is involved in the process.  It is that and it is hard, for me at least, to gauge how long a project should and will take.  I go into some projects thinking it will take three days, and it ends up taking a week (usually during the first time I assign a project). PBL will even require more time.  There are also interruptions, snow days, last minute assemblies (happens ALL OF THE TIME), testing, pull outs for testing, group member absences to name a few.  All of these can interrupt a long term project. This concern/challenges leds me into the next challenge.

Completing the "Checklist" Curriculum: I have a set curriculum of topics I need to cover.  This year they added two more chapters to my already crowded schedule. It was difficult for me to get everything done this year. I actually had to cut activities and projects I have done in the past. We have district Unit Learning Outcomes that I have to complete. I see myself being able to implement aspects of PBL but I dont' know about a long term project.

Planning Time: I have 42 minutes of prep per day and I usually spend about an hour after school and contract hours at school planning, grading, doing paperwork.  PBL Planning is a ton of work. I might try to implement this earlier and I do feel like the purpose behind PBL is extremely valuable but even now I feel like there aren't enough hours in the day for me to do what I have to do. I am going to try though! I would also have to differentiate the projects because I teach various levels of students.

Holding all group members accountable: During group projects I have done, it is hard to hold each group member accountable for their work.  I have had students do nothing in their group and allow one group member to do all of the work.  I think it will be easier with PBL because they will be more in the driver's seat but I still have my worries.  This also goes with assessing the project. I would like to learn more about rubrics for these projects.

Technology- This is a HUGE challenge for me. My district is kind of in the stone ages when it comes to technology.  We have one Lab and one laptop cart that are available to the entire middle school.  They have to be booked months in advance and if snow days/assemblies mess that up you are up a creek without a paddle.  I will also have to spend time teaching the students how to use some of the technologies needed.

Overwhelming: To he honest, PBL scares me a bit. I want to try PBL but I am always scared about how each class will react to it. Not knowing what to expect is one of the great things about PBL, but it also makes me nervous. I am nervous because I am also not quite sure I completely understand it. I am hoping that as we work through the units in this class, I will feel more comfortable with PBL

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